
Update on Middle States Reaffirmation of Accreditation – The 4 Ps

By Office of the President | Mar 6, 2023

logoThe February 21, 2023 edition of the President’s Bulletin introduced the six project phases for Downstate’s Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) reaffirmation of the accreditation process. Phase 2 is well underway and on track to achieve its goals, and Phase 3 will commence in May 2023 when the Working Groups begin their collective efforts to identify evidence that will demonstrate compliance with the Standards and Downstate’s commitment to continuous improvement and strengthening of our institution. The combined efforts of the nine Working Groups in Phase 3 will lay the foundation for writing the self-study report.

The evidence-collection process is a challenging but necessary step of the self-study process. With support from the Office of Evaluation, Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation Services (EOAA), the Middle States Coordinating Committee is working to simplify the evidence-collection process to make it as straightforward as possible.

Middle States stipulates that we utilize four types of evidence to demonstrate compliance with each standard and criteria. Based on their guidance in September 2022, we developed an evidence collection method called “the 4 Ps” — Policies, Procedures, People, and Proof.

Each working group will use the 4 Ps to frame their discussion and work processes when identifying evidence for each standard and criterion. To maximize the effectiveness of each working group, the EOAA is developing an online tool based on the 4 Ps that will guide each working group through the evidence-collection process.

The 4 Ps are:


What is expected? What regulations or formal principles align with the given standard and criteria? Policies could be locally defined and adopted at the campus level or imposed by an external entity such as a city, state, federal government, accreditor, or another agency. In addition to bona fide policies, a strategic plan, contracts, bylaws, syllabuses, curriculum maps, or a master facilities plan could be interpreted as policy.


How is it done? What processes, procedures, or operational parameters exist to apply the relevant policies for the given standard and criteria? Examples of evidence for procedures might be process workflow diagrams, training manuals, committee minutes, assessment plans, procedural records, published instructions, or standard operating procedures.


Who or what does it do? Who or what organizational entity is responsible for successfully implementing the relevant policies and procedures for the given standard and criteria? This evidence includes organizational charts, job descriptions, employment contracts, and unit mission statements.


What evidence shows that it has been done effectively and is continuously improving? Data analysis, tables, charts, graphs, or reports could be evidence if they demonstrate how much a policy, procedure, or entity has accomplished its intended goals. Other proof might include documented examples of recent improvements or assessment results.

The self-study process is led by Pascal James Imperato, M.D., MPH&TM, MACP, senior vice president for Academic Affairs and chief academic officer. Jeffrey S. Putman, Ed.D., vice president for Academic & Student Affairs, and D. Kane Gillespie, DMA, director, Evaluation, Outcomes Assessment, and Accreditation Services, will chair the Steering Committee, and Lori A. Bruno, MPH, assistant vice president, Office of Policy and Planning will co-chair the Steering Committee. Ann Marie Cullen, administrator, Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, will serve as the accreditation liaison officer. Tina Adjei-Bosompem, MPH assistant director of Evaluation, Outcomes Assessment, and Accreditation Services, will be critical in the self-study.

The U.S. Department of Education mandates institutional accreditation to qualify for Federal Title IV student financial aid and federal research grant funding. Downstate’s last reaffirmation of accreditation was in 2016 and is valid for eight years.

For more information on the Self-Study process, please visit the self-study website.