Environmental Health & Safety
The Environmental Health & Safety Division services include:
- Fire Alarm System - Inspection & Maintenance
- Fire Suppression System - Inspection & Maintenance
- Laboratory Safety Inspections
- Waste Disposal Management
- Hazardous Materials Abatement & Information
- Employee Education & Training
- Consultation, Assistance & Enforcement of Government Codes: The Joint Commission, OSHA, etc.
The Environmental Health & Safety provides consultation, response, training / education and enforcement of all governing codes including, but not limited to, JCAHO, OSHA, NFPA ( Fire Alarm/ Fire Suppression), as well as institutional policy on Right-to-Know. Services for hazardous materials management is also provided.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Downstate
The Environmental Health & Safety Team is supplying a PPE Request Form for Staff & Students within BSB, HSEB & PHAB. This will allow us to prepare a supply package for your department or student group.
Laboratory Safety Training
EH&S provides laboratory safety training via an online module called, HSI Platform, or in-person upon request. EH&S requires all personnel performing research or working in a laboratory environment to complete the Lab Safety Training module. All lab staff (students, researchers, and P.I.s) are required, by campus policy, to complete the lab safety refresher training on an annual basis. Laboratory safety training covers a variety of topics for safe work practices along with EH&S policies and guidelines.
Laboratory Safety Training
(Initial – duration 1.5 hrs)
All laboratory personnel are required to complete the Laboratory Safety Initial Training course. If you have previously taken the initial course, please take the refresher courses on an annual basis.
For access to the training module, please send an email to request a link to the course to Environmental.Safety@downstate.edu. A personalized link to the EHS Training platform will be sent via email from HSI Platform.
- Please watch all video modules and complete the quizzes that follow the presentations for credit.
- A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the third course.
Laboratory Safety Training
(Annual Refresher – duration 1 hrs)
If you have already completed the Lab Safety Initial training, then you will have to complete the laboratory safety training once a year. Email reminders from HSI Platform will be sent to you one month prior to the refresher due date.
- A personalized link to the EHS Training platform will be sent via email from HSI Platform.
- Please watch all video modules and complete the quizzes that follow the presentations for credit.
- A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the third course.
*Note: Please contact Environmental.Safety@downstate.edu if you have issues with your training login.
Chemical Waste Pick Up Requests
Please use Chemical Waste Pick Up Form to submit requests for chemical waste pick-up from your laboratory.
Laboratory Safety Resources
Please see the lab safety resources linked below:
Eyewash Weekly Inspection Form
Controlled Substances in Research Procedures
Please contact Environmental.Safety@downstate.edu if you have any questions or concerns.
Management Team
Patricia Turner
Director, Environmental Health & Safety
(718) 270-2395
Maisha Rahman
Assistant Director, Environmental Health & Safety
(718) 613-8313
Jovan Gonzalez
Environmental Health & Safety Manager
(718) 212-5212
Wayne DeSouza
Life Safety Coordinator
(718) 270-4064
Yesenia Petit-Frere
IBC/EH&S Coordinator
(718) 270-3912
Angelica Sanchez
Safety Coordinator
(718) 270-3389
EH&S Office
(718) 270-1216