Movement Disorders
The Movement Disorders Division of the Department of Neurology provides clinical care, research and education. Although patients with movement disorders generally are treated as outpatients, the movement disorders physicians provide inpatient consultations. Resident training is provided at Kings County Hospital Center, through resident clinics and electives. Residents have the opportunity to learn botulinum toxin injection technique under supervision. In addition, residents have the opportunity to become engaged in clinical and translational research.
Our Team
- Christian Amlang, MD, Assistant Professor, Attending Neurologist
- Ivan Bodis-Wollner, MD, DSc, Professor Emeritus
- Sofya Glazman, Research Coordinator
Our Services
- Diagnosis (or second opinion) of Parkinson’s disease, functional movement disorder,
essential tremor, dystonia, and other movement disorders.
- To do this we perform a detailed history, focused physical and complete neurological exam;
- As indicated, we may order tests including CT scan, MRI, PET scan, DAT scan, OCT, EMG/Nerve conduction studies, EEG, visual evoked potentials, laboratory tests, pulmonary function tests, GI evaluation, as well as speech and swallow evaluation, genetics testing, neuropsychological testing;
- Education about the diagnosis, and treatment choices.
- Treatment of movement disorders, newly diagnosed as well as those which have progressed.
Treatments we offer or prescribe include:
- Medications, either taken by mouth, injected or via "patch";
- Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy;
- Botulinum toxin injections for dystonia, sialorrhea (excess drooling), spasticity and other neurologic disorders;
- Referral of carefully screened candidates for deep brain stimulation.
We are actively engaged in translational research and clinical trials in Parkinson's disease, functional movement disorder, essential tremor and other movement disorders. Our current studies are listed below.
Funded by Acadia Pharmaceuticals:
Does Pimavanserin (Nuplazid) improve sleep in patients with Parkinson disease psychosis? A pilot study.
This is a research study to evaluate whether Pimavanserin (Nuplazid) improves sleep in subjects with Parkinson disease (PD) psychosis (a certain mental/mood disorder, e.g., visual hallucinations (an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present) or delusions (a false belief or judgment about external reality).
If you are interested in participating or want to learn more, please contact Research Coordinator Sofya Glazman at
Sponsored by IFOND (International Foundation for Optic Nerve Disease):
Ephrin Signaling System (EPH SS) in Parkinson Disease.
This research study quantifies changes in the post-mortem eyes in Parkinson Disease.
Unsponsored Projects:
Pathophysiology and natural history of Functional Neurologic Disorder.
We currently have multiple research studies analyzing different aspects of the underlying disease mechanism of Functional Neurologic Disorder with a particular focus on Functional Movement Disorder. We are also conducting a natural history study looking at different phenotypes of Functional Neurologic Disorder and how they evolve over time.
For more information, please visit
Clinic Information
At Kings County Hospital Center, there is a specialized Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders clinic every Tuesday. Each patient is seen by a resident and evaluated by the attending, Dr. Christian Amlang. There is also a specialized Movement Disorders and Functional Neurologic Disorder clinic at Maimonides Medical Center. The clinic is held every Wednesday and Thursday.
Patient Appointments
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Amlang at his movement disorders clinic at Kings County Hospital Center, please call 844-692-4692.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Amlang at his movement disorders and functional neurologic clinic at Maimonides Medical Center, please call 718-283-7470.