Application Process
What do we look for in an applicant?
We are concerned with past academic performance (including results of standardized achievement exams such as national boards), a well-founded interest in ophthalmology and promising personal characteristics and work habits (as reflected in letters of recommendation). We also place importance on additional factors, such as research experience, career goals, and the ability to work in an integrated healthcare environment as a member of the team.
What about the PGY-1 (internship) year?
All ophthalmology residency training programs require satisfactory completion of the first postgraduate clinical year (PGY-1) in an accredited program. At a minimum, six months of the year should provide a broad experience in direct patient care. In general, most future ophthalmology residents will pursue PGY-1 training in internal medicine or in a transitional program. Other less commonly pursued but acceptable PGY-1 training assignments include general surgery and pediatrics.
Since the ophthalmology match results are available before the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) forms are due, you will know your ophthalmology residency assignment before needing to rank your PGY-1 choices.
Interview dates
We generally interview the first Thursday of October and November for the entire day.