
BRIDGE Initiatives and Interprofessional Curriculum

The BRIDGE Program is composed of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University (SDHSU), Clinical Partners, Community Partners, and a Coordinating Council that includes patients, families and caregivers. At the outset of project design, the BRIDGE development team engaged with established and new potential partners. The culmination of these efforts is an extensive network of partners including the Colleges at SDHSU (College of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Public Health and the College of Health Related Professions), Graduate Medical Education at SDHSU, two primary care delivery systems in Brooklyn, each with multiple primary care clinics that are level III Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs): Kings County Hospital Corp., and the Brownsville Multiservice Family Health Center (a federally qualified health center – FQHC). We have also partnered with a large community-based organization - the Fort Greene Council, Inc., who is entrusted with running 13 of Brooklyn’s Department for the Aging-funded senior centers.  

Through a transformative training environment and innovative educational programming, interprofessional providers trainees have opportunities to work together while improving the health and well-being of older adults at the individual, community and population levels.

To accomplish our stated goal and objectives, the BRIDGE leadership team in collaboration with our community partners has developed next key initiatives:

The BRIDGE-IT is composed of interdisciplinary, permanent faculty, including Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, Nursing, a Care Manager, Program Administrator, and Program Evaluator. The BRIDGE-IT permanent faculty functions as the foundation for patient care and educational programs, both exemplifying the core qualities of interprofessional collaborative, patient-centered practice in geriatrics and delivering interprofessional educational modules to trainees rotating on the BRIDGE-IT. The BRIDGE-IT permanent members help to deliver our innovative educational initiatives for PCPs, patients, families, and caregivers in both primary care and community settings. Interprofessional trainees are involved in all BRIDGE-IT activities, including: medical students, nursing / NP students, OT / PT / PA students, public health students, residents, and geriatric medicine / psychiatry fellows / PH students.

Interprofessional healthcare trainees participate in both a “live”, collaborative curriculum for geriatrics and also self-learning modules focused on the geriatrics core competencies (AGS 2011). Trainees are active participants in all other educational programming, including: community outreach (Project SCENE), BRIDGE ECHO, and BRIDGE GAP.

Self Learning Modules
  • Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
  • Wellness and Functional Ability
  • Interprofessional Teams and Interprofessional Care of the Older Adult
  • Age-Friendly Health – the 4Ms
  • Dementia-Friendly Communities
  • Geriatric Syndromes
  • Culturally and Linguistically Competent Healthcare of Older Adults 
  • Ageism

BRIDGE-GAP utilizes the integrated care model to insert BRIDGE-IT members and trainees directly into the clinical sites of our partners. BRIDGE-IT engages in consultative geriatric, geriatric mental health and ADRD care of older adults directly in primary care clinics while providing supervision and education to trainees and primary care providers. NP Trainees, supervised by the BRIDGE NP serve as care coordinators for all patients seen by BRIDGE-IT, traveling with patients throughout their ambulatory care appointments, transitions of care, and liaising with all providers and service agents involved in their care and collecting data on program outcome measures. BRIDGE-IT works with the primary care sites to measure program outcomes and conduct PDSA initiatives surrounding program activities and outcomes. This model allows the primary care sites to build the necessary geriatric, geriatric mental health, and ADRD experience, to sustain improvements after the funding cycle is complete, effectively “bridging the geriatric care gap”.

The School of Public Health at SDMC designed a new program, the Advanced Certificate in Public Health Geriatrics. This program is comprised of five courses: Principles of Epidemiology, Principles of Biostatistics, Epidemiology of Aging, Policy Issues in Geriatrics, and Program Planning and Evaluation. Through this program we hope to advance geriatrics at the public health level throughout Brooklyn.

The College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Related Professions have targeted areas for enhancement with geriatric medicine. These enhancements are specific to each school. The College of Medicine and College of Nursing enhance their programming through participation in BRIDGE.

The ECHO model breaks down the walls between specialty and primary care. It links expert specialist teams at an academic center with primary care clinicians in the community. Together, they participate in  “teleECHO” clinics, which are like virtual grand rounds, combined with mentoring and patient case presentations. We has created a Project ECHO model to disseminate geriatric, geriatric mental health, and ADRD education across BRIDGE partner satellite sites. BRIDGE ECHO allows extension of educational programming to the full breadth of available providers..

Project SCENE (Senior Citizen Educational Needs Endeavor) is the outreach component of the BRIDGE multi-disciplinary team to deliver culturally and linguistically educational programs, and services to individuals 65 years or older, particularly African Americans and Latinos. The mission of Project SCENE is to empower elders to make informed health decisions, to prevent disease, disability and injury among the elderly, and to promote healthy behaviors for the aging population. Project SCENE utilizes the satellite outreach model to deliver services by a team that will go to partner and affiliates’ locations.

Video Recording Educational Materials:

Continuing Medical Educational Courses: The following courses are self-paced, asynchrounous courses intended for professionals and community members alike.

Important information before you begin the courses: These courses take approximately 1 hour each. The courses do NOT require registration or sign in. As a result, your progress will not be saved if you exit the course. Therefore, the courses need to be taken in a single sitting OR without closing your browser window once you have begun the course in order to keep track of your progress.
The courses include video content, individual activities and knowledge check questions to prepare you for the final quiz found in the exit survey section. If you prefer to view the video content without CC, please click on the YouTube icon link found on the video to turn off the CC option. Finally, once you have begun the course, scroll down to proceed with the course content.

To get started, click on the course title below:

COVID and Older Adults

Telehealth: What You Need to Know

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Age Friendly Healthcare - The 4M's

Interprofessional Teams / Interprofessional Care of Older Adults

Geriatric Syndromes 1

Geriatric Syndromes - Part 2

Preventing Falls in Community Dwelling Older Adults

Oral Health: Within an Age-friendly Health System & The 4Ms Framework

Geriatric Gastroenterology: A Selection of Pearls

Environmental Exposures in Older Adults

Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia: A Review of Shared Risk

Diabetes Care in Older Adults

Sleep and Related Disorders in Older Adults

Audiology for Primary Care Physicians

Major Neurocognitive Disorders - Part 1

Major Neurocognitive Disorders - Part 2

Palliative Care and End of Life Care

Preventive Care for Older Adults

Wellness and Functional Ability


All Self Learning Modules

Hover over the hamburger button in the upper right corner of the embedded video to view the full playlist.