Subcommittees and Workgroups
Institutional Oversight
- Review program change requests
- Approve Program Director appointments
- Review new program applications, program reductions and closures
- Propose new or changes to GME policies
- Review, monitor and assess responses to IRC and RRC citations and concerns
- Address results of focused and special reviews and ACGME Resident Surveys
- Address issues regarding GME support
- Provide oversight and monitoring of clinical learning environment re: resident/fellow
supervision and involvement with patient safety and quality of care activities
- Approve and monitor innovative practices and deviations from detailed processes
Program Monitoring
- Oversee focused program GMEC special review processes
- Review focused program and special review report citations
- Monitor program response to focused and special review citations
- Monitor Institutional Resident and Faculty Program Evaluation Surveys
- Monitor ACGME Annual Resident and Faculty Surveys
- Ensure each program has a Program Evaluation Committee with resident/fellow participation
- Ensure each program has a Clinical Competency Committee
- Monitor and assess program performance indicators
- Review and assess annual program evaluation reports
Scholarly Activity Workgroup
- Facilitate research activities in GME programs
- Coordinate exchange of information regarding collaborative opportunities
- Assist with and promote acquisition of resources regarding resident research
- Track research productivity in GME settings
- Monitor and implement GME policies in support of research
- Provide guidance and support to develop mentoring in research
Resident/Fellow Forum
- Provide mechanism for residents to raise concerns regarding GME programs
- Serve as a liaison between residents throughout GME programs in the GME office/committee
- Advocate on behalf of residents
- Designate residents to serve on institutional committees (SUNY and KCHC)
- Provide representation for residents on the GMEC
- Advise institutional leadership of resident perspective in GME issues, institutional
issues, educational issues, clinical issues, program development
Education Workgroup
- Develop and coordinate faculty development programs including affiliates
- Chief resident educational retreats
- Program director retreats
- Programs for fulfilling compliance with training and evaluation of core competencies
- Coordinate with pre-GME student education to address continuum of medical education
- Institutional education programs to comply with ACGME standards and expectations (e.g.
stress/fatigue/impairment, ethics, duty hours, research methodology, cultural awareness,
performance improvement, self-directed learning, evidence-based medicine, teaching
skills, etc.)
- Investigate and recommend new modalities/technologies for augmenting GME
Clinical Learning Environment
- Provide monitoring, oversight and recommendations for action for aspects of the clinical
learning environment including duty hours compliance, transitions in patient care,
patient hand-offs, resident fatigue and fitness for duty, professionalism and honesty,
supervison and harrassment-free workplace
- Make recommendations to the GMEC regarding additions or deletions of participating
- Provide annual oversight of the quality of the learning and working environment at
all participating sites
- Monitor and recommend action regarding resident working conditions including safety,
call facilities, ancillary services
- Monitor and recommend action regarding imbalance between education and service and
adequacy of resources in the clinical learning environment
- Assure residents have the opportunity and vehicles to raise concerns without fear
of retaliation or retribution
Wellness Workgroup
- Provide a structured, well defined Wellness curriculum for the university
- Provide a set of policies and procedures for the entire resident/fellow body that
can be shared across disciplines
- Routine acquisition of survey data to clarify the specific needs of our trainees
- Increase trainee use of the Employee Assistance Program
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Housestaff Council
- Promote an inclusive environment for residents, fellows and faculty
- Increase diversity of our residency and fellowship training programs
- Provide mentorship and support for residents, fellows and faculty of diverse backgrounds
- Increase community engagement through outreach and collaboration
- Provide education on topics of diversity, equity, inclusion and health disparities
- Promote and support research involvement in social determinants of health, health
disparities, and genomic health