Bonnie Arquilla, DO FACEP
Professor/ Director
Disaster Management
Disaster Medicine
Medical School:New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Graduation Date:1993
Residency Training:Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center
Areas of Professional Interest:Disaster Medicine, Surge Capacity Planning Vulnerable Populations, Drill design and execution
In the Press- The Pediatric Tool Kit, (Prehospital). The National Resource Center of the MCHB
Associate Editor and Coordinator of field exercises chapter.
NYCDOHMH Publications - The Pediatric Disaster Tool Kit, Second Edition, Published December 2006. New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Accepted for Third Edition, August 2007.( endorsed and adopted by NYS, Minnesota, and Ohio)
- Pediatrics_Preparedness_Final_6
- An Integrated Plan to Augment Surge Capacity 2006, Central Brooklyn Center for Bioterrorism and Preparedness Planning, http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/bhpp/bhpp-hospital-cbcbpp-plan.pdf
- Geriatric Toolkit: Hospital Guidelines for Geriatric Patients during Disaster
- New York Institute for All Hazard Preparedness, Geriatrics Disaster Preparedness Advisory Committee 2008
- Book Chapters
- Pediatric Prehospital Disaster Resource
- Pediatric Disaster Drill Design and Development, B. Arquilla
- Search Dr. Arquilla's Publications on PubMed.
- Miller, A., Arquilla B., Chronic Diseases and Environmental Catastrophes: The Impact of natural Disasters on diabetic, renal and cardiac patients. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
- Dayton, C., Ibrahim, J., Augenbraun, M., Brooks, S., Mody, K., Holford, D., Roblin, P., Arquilla, B., An Integrated Plan to Augement Surge Capacity, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine , Volume 23, Number 2, - 2008
- Freyberg,C, Arquilla, B, Fertel,B, Tunik,M., Cooper,A., Heon, D, . Kohlhoff,S., Uraneck,
K., Foltin,G.,
Disaster Preparedness: Hospital Decontamination and the Pediatric Patient.Guidelines for Hospitals and Emergency Planners. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Volume 23 Number 2, 2008 - Paladino L., Arquilla, B., Increasing Ventilator Surge Capacity in Disaster: Ventilation of 4 adult-human size sheep on a single ventilator with modified circuit Resuscitation - Resuscitation - Ref. No.: RESUS-D-07-00455 - October 2007
- Miller, A., Arquilla B., Disasters, Women's Health and Conservative Society: Working in Pakistan with the Turkish Red Crescent following the Earthquake in Southeast Asia, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Volume 22, Number 5. August 2007
- Goldman M., Anderson T., Zehtabchi S., Arquilla, B., Testing Hospital Disaster Communication Plan has Immense Value, PMID: 17517359 May 2007.
- Arquilla, B., Gupta, R., Acute Arterial Spasm in an Extremity Due to Inadvertent Injection Successfully Treated in Emergency Department. The Journal of Emergency Medicine; August 2000
- Wallace, DJ. Arquilla B., Kramer, M., Anderson,T., Heffernen, R., Layton, M. Bernstein, D., Augenbraun, M., Multicenter Drill in Brooklyn; A Test of New York City Syndromic Surveillance using Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Model, Academic Emergency Medicine. The Journal of American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Ms. Ref. No.: AJEM7765R1