
December 2024 Announcements

By Office of Communications & Marketing | Dec 1, 2024

NYS Flex Spending Account (FSA) - 2025 Open Enrollment

The Office of Employee Relations (OER) has announced that the 2025 Enrollment Period for the New York State Flex Spending Account (FSA) Program runs from November 1, 2024 to December 9, 2024 at 11:59 PM (EST). This time period is strictly enforced because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations do not allow employers to make exceptions for employees who miss the deadline, regardless of their reason.

The FSA program consists of three important benefits for employees: Health Care Spending Account (HCSA), the Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA), and the Adoption Advantage Account (AAA). Eligible employees may choose to enroll in one or all of the benefits.

Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) will continue to service as the FSA vendor for the 2025 plan year. TASC offers enrollment online through Bentek at, FSA enrollment lasts for only one year. Employees can learn more at or by calling the toll-free number (800) 358-7202.

Contributions to the FSA Program is deducted from an employee’s gross pay on a pre-tax basis through a payroll deduction. This program helps employees save on out-of-pocket costs related to health care, dependent care, and/or adoption expenses. The funds set aside are not subject to Federal, State, or local taxes, but are subject to FICA taxes. 

Under New York State regulations, employees must submit claims by March 31, 2026, for services rendered in the calendar year (CY) 2025. Otherwise, any funds remaining in the FSA account at the end of the year will be forfeited under the “Use it or lose it rule”. Carryover will continue, employees can carryover up to $660 from 2025 accounts into 2026. Currently, up to $640 of funds remaining in 2024 accounts will be carried over to participants’ 2025 accounts for use during the 2025 plan year after the run-out period ends on March 31, 2025. Funds will be available in 2025 accounts by April 30, 2025.

Accordingly, employees are strongly encouraged to estimate his or her expenses carefully and to submit claims before the end of the run-out-period, to avoid forfeiture.

Health Care Spending Account (HCSA)

Under the Health Care Spending Account, an employee may claim expenses that are not covered by his or her health insurance or are in excess of the insurance allowance.

  • An employee can contribute from $100.00 to $3,300.00 for calendar year 2025
  • Must be eligible for enrollment in the New York state Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP)

Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA)

The Dependent Care Advantage Account covers eldercare, disabled services, before/after school programs, summer day camps, family daycare provider, and many more:  For calendar year 2025, some enrolled employees are eligible for a contribution from the State. The contribution ranges from $500.00 to $1000.00 and is based on the employee’s salary. (See attached brochure)

  • Employees can contribute from $100.00 to $5,000.00 for calendar year 2025

Adoption Advantage Account (AAA)

The Adoption Advantage Account allows employees to pay for expenses related to the adoption of an eligible child with pre-tax dollars; such as, home study and application fees, reasonable and necessary legal adoption fees, court costs, Attorney fees, Medical services associated with a child with special needs and other expenses that are directly related to, and are for the principal purpose of a legal adoption.

  • An eligible child must be under the age of 18 years or a disabled individual physically or mentally incapable of self-care must not be a stepchild.
  • Employees can contribute up to $17,280.00

Once enrolled in the Adoption FSA, an employee may not change his or her mind unless the following occur:

  • Beginning or end of adoption proceedings
  • Beginning of or return from leave of absence (employee or spouse)

Employees who are currently enrolled in any of the three plans, must re-enroll if they wish to continue the benefits in 2025. Social Security numbers should not be used when enrolling in these programs, instead, use your NYS Identification Number, which appears on your pay stub next to NYS EMPLID and begins with the letter “N” (see the third column under your name in the top portion of the pay stub).

Please note that the enrollment deadline date of December 9, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Eastern Time (ET) is strictly enforced. 

NYS 2025 Enrollment Book

NYS 2025 Flyer

A Message From the Downstate Policy Committee

Dear Downstate Community:

In January of this year, at President Riley’s direction, Heidi Aronin, MPA, formed the Downstate Policy Committee (DPC) to enable the campus to clarify, maintain, and disseminate campus-wide policies. 

The Committee began by developing a clear centralized process for reviewing, approving, disseminating, and maintaining policies. Campus-wide policies are those policies that apply to the whole campus as distinguished from those that apply to only a subset of the campus, such as the hospital, individual schools, or departments.

Under the DPC’s guidelines, campus-wide policies must be drafted in a consistent format and forwarded to the centralized committee to review for clarity; compliance with rules, regulations and guidelines; and effectiveness.  The committee then forwards to the President for review and signature.  Once approved, the policy is uploaded to HealthStream Policy, a centralized location on Downstate's website available to all members of the Downstate community.

The Committee began reviewing and revising existing campus-wide policies in March 2024 and have approved a number that are available for your information at the site identified above. 

We would like to direct you to review, in particular, two important new policies that apply to all Downstate campus members:

  • The Electronic Mail Policy  requires that all SUNY Downstate business be conducted using Downstate email addresses.  It directs all Downstate departments to write all correspondence to members of the Downstate Community on their Downstate email accounts only.  The use of personal email addresses is prohibited for Downstate business.
  • The Password Policy requires that passwords be kept secure and are changed regularly according to Information Services Department standards.  Sharing or public displaying of passwords is prohibited.

We will advise you as significant new policies are approved. However, we encourage you to visit the Policy website frequently to find the most up to date policies.

If you have any questions or would like to submit a policy for review, please contact

2025 Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP)

The Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) for 2025 allows eligible SUNY employees to exchange up to eight previously accrued annual leave in return for a biweekly credit that reduces the employee's share of the New York State health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) premium.

Use the PDF forms to apply:


2025 UUP MC PEP Application Memo

Announcing A New Downstate-wide Social Media Policy

As social media platforms continue to provide opportunities for communication and engagement, it is important to remind the SUNY Downstate community of our collective responsibility to utilize these tools responsibly.

Accordingly, SUNY Downstate’s newly revised “Responsible Use of Social Media” Policy establishes the standards and expectations to be followed by all faculty, staff, and students.

Social Media Policy

The complete Policy is now accessible. Below are key highlights.

  • Personal Responsibility: If you identify yourself as affiliated with SUNY Downstate on any social media platform, the policy requires you to explicitly state that any views expressed are solely your own and do not reflect the official views of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, University Hospital at Downstate, Downstate Health Physicians, or any SUNY Downstate-affiliated entity.
  • Social Media Sites are Public: Always remember that there is no such thing as a “private” social media site, and that what you post can negatively affect your academic progression and future prospects, whether it be through selection for rotations, eligibility for awards, or other recognitions.  When concerns about posts or social media activities get raised to the Office of Communications and Marketing and/or the Compliance Line, the campus will duly investigate. 
  • Respect Privacy: Under no circumstances shall confidential or proprietary information be shared, including patient or student information, unpublished research, financial information, or any content that may violate privacy laws like FERPA or HIPAA.
  • Protect the SUNY Downstate Brand: Use of SUNY Downstate’s logo or any affiliated branding is restricted solely to authorized accounts and is subject to explicit approval from the Office of Communications and Marketing. Personal social media accounts are restricted from using Downstate logos as personal identifiers.
  • Social Media Administrators (SMA): These individuals must be authorized by their Department Chairs to post and manage the specifically identified social media accounts. SMAs must complete a Social Media Authorization Form to register new and existing accounts with the Office of Communications & Marketing.

Note: All existing SUNY Downstate official social media accounts and handles must be registered with the Office of Communications & Marketing by December 31, 2024. New registrations will be reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Copyright Compliance: The policy requires individuals to obtain permission before posting any content not already in the public domain to avoid copyright infringement.

SUNY Downstate will take disciplinary action against individuals who violate this policy. By adhering to this policy, you help uphold SUNY Downstate’s shared values and ensure that everyone engages in respectful, compliant, and professional online conduct.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Safety Alert for the Downstate Community

A member of the Downstate community notified the University Police Department (UPD) about an incident on the evening of October 9. An unidentified male reportedly attempted to menace the individual while walking on East 38th Street, between Linden Boulevard and Church Avenue.

In response to this incident, UPD has significantly increased patrols in and around campus to ensure the safety and security of our community.

The safety of members of our community remains our top priority and of utmost importance to UPD. To protect yourself and others, we urge everyone to stay vigilant, particularly when commuting to and from campus. Always be aware of your surroundings, and take precautions to minimize risks.

If you witness suspicious or threatening activity on campus, immediately contact UPD at extension 2626 or from a non-campus phone at (718) 270-2626. For off-campus emergencies, please call 911. Quick reporting can make a critical difference in preventing potential incidents.

We also encourage you to take advantage of UPD’s free shuttle service whenever possible. To remain alert and aware of your environment, avoid distractions such as headphones, mobile phones, or texting while commuting.

For more details about the free UPD Shuttle Service, please visit our website: UPD Shuttle Services.

Stay safe and stay alert. Together, we can maintain a secure campus.

Campus Events and Demonstrations Standards and Procedures

Last academic year, many college and university campuses, including here at Downstate, were the sites of passionate debate. At SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University (Downstate), events and discussions were peaceful and free of the violence that disrupted many other universities. I want to express my appreciation for the many community members whose leadership made a collective and positive difference.

With the academic year underway, debates over continuing international conflicts will likely amplify, particularly with a closely contested US presidential election. We must ensure that Downstate remains unwaveringly committed to free speech and equally committed to providing everyone in our community with a safe environment free of discrimination.

I am writing to share the Downstate Health Sciences University Campus Events and Demonstrations Standards and Procedures, which clarify rules applicable to demonstrations and other campus events and the consequences for breaking them. This Guide reflects various existing policies. By assembling these policies into a single comprehensive document, we want to make it easier for everyone to become familiar with them, especially our students and faculty.

We have also updated our Policies on Identification Cards, Postings, Camping, and Use of Tents on Campus, and those regarding Freedom of Expression & Assembly for students.

Below is a crucial excerpt from our Guide:

“With these guidelines, we reinforce and reaffirm our commitment to open expression and, at the same time, ensure that protests, demonstrations, and other expressions of free speech are appropriately managed. These guidelines are not about speech content. The guidelines aim to enable free expression while allowing SUNY Downstate to deliver its core missions of teaching, research, service, and patient care without disruption.”

We will consistently enforce these rules in a viewpoint-neutral way. We will resist any efforts of various sides in these debates to win the University’s endorsement of its views.

Some of today’s debates touch on core identity issues and life and death. Many community members have friends or family in harm’s way—in the Middle East, at home, or elsewhere in the world. As a result, even if constitutionally protected, sharp disagreements can feel deeply hurtful and even frightening. The mental health challenges this poses are real, and no one should feel they must face them alone. I encourage anyone who feels they or others might benefit from Downstate’s many support services to reach out for help, and I encourage everyone to be mindful of friends or colleagues who may need support.

For students: Student Counseling, Student Affairs, the University Chaplain’s Office in University Hospital, or the Office of Student Life/Student Center,

For employees: The Employee Assistance Program or the University Chaplain’s Office in University Hospital

Finally, anyone who experiences threatening behavior or other emergencies should contact the University Police Department by calling (718) 270-2626 or by dialing 2626 from any campus phone. To report discrimination or discriminatory harassment, contact the Office of Institutional Equity at or call (718) 270-1738.

A step we can all take today to sustain a campus climate of decency, civility, and respect is to familiarize ourselves with the Guide and commit to implementing these policies with collegiality consistent with our values. If we do so, Downstate will provide the welcoming community everyone on our campus deserves.

Thank you for your partnership and for all you do for Downstate.

SUNY Downstate’s Partnership with Hospice of New York

hospice logoAs part of our ongoing dedication to community care, SUNY Downstate's University Hospital at Downstate has broadened its offerings to include acute hospice care through a collaborative partnership with Hospice of New York (HONY). This new collaboration ensures that our patients will receive optimal care when faced with life-limiting illnesses. Patients will now be able to access expert end-of-life support either in the comfort of their own homes or within the confines of University Hospital at Downstate.

In this innovative partnership, individuals requiring General Inpatient Level hospice care can receive seamless services within the hospital premises. The specialized care provided by HONY extends to the patient and their family without any logistical barriers, ensuring they can promptly benefit from hospice services, including holistic support for their families.

This initiative offers intensified pain management and symptom relief services to patients, whether they are receiving care at home or in a long-term care facility. It aims to provide comprehensive care for hospice patients requiring short-term acute medical attention, regardless of their location within the hospital. Unlike traditional hospice agreements confined to specific areas, this approach ensures that patients receive all the benefits of hospice care tailored to their individual needs, regardless of their hospital placement.

This program accommodates patients transitioning from acute care hospitals or nursing homes who need ongoing management to attain comfort before transitioning to home-based hospice care. Additionally, it offers temporary intensive care for patients requiring more support than their families or caregivers can provide at home. For patients who may ultimately pass away in the hospital, this initiative offers a dignified solution, allowing them to spend their final moments in a private room surrounded by loved ones under specialized care.

Distinctive Downstate Elements:

This initiative ensures that the entire hospice care team comes to the patient's location, eliminating the need to transfer the patient to a specific unit. It represents a holistic approach to hospice and palliative care, encompassing various specialties across the enterprise.

All Downstate staff members, regardless of their department, undergo specialized training in end-of-life care, emphasizing the hospital's commitment to providing dignified and comfortable care as an integral part of its culture.

Hospice of New York (HONY) will conduct monthly training sessions and offer collaborative services, in addition to regular quality and leadership meetings.

The utilization of the COMFORT Cart provides additional comfort to patients and families at the bedside through music capabilities, bottled water, aromatherapy, flameless candles, and other sensory-soothing amenities.

Criteria for Eligibility:

  • Active treatment required to manage pain or other symptoms.
  • Continued close monitoring needed for unstable recurring medical conditions.
  • Requirement for ongoing symptom management during the transition from an acute care hospital, stay to home care, or long-term care.
  • Limited life expectancy with home care not feasible.
  • Patient enrollment in HONY.

For more information on our new services provided by HONY at the hospital, please call 718-472-1999.

Payroll and Human Resources Departments Have Moved

We are pleased to announce that the Payroll and Human Resources departments have relocated to our new offices at 271 Lenox Road.

Effective immediately, all payroll and HR-related inquiries will be handled at this new location. Our dedicated staff is ready to assist you with any Payroll or Human Resources needs during our regular business hours (see below for hours).

Please update your records accordingly and feel free to visit us at our new address: 

271 Lenox Road,
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(Between Nostrand & Rogers Ave.)

Mail stop numbers are:
MSC#53  (Human Resources) 
MSC# 1191 (Benefits)
MSC #10 (Payroll)

For Payroll inquiries, you can email the Payroll Department at or call the Payroll main number: (718) 270-1139. If you need to drop off physical documents to payroll, you may do so during our business hours 10am-3pm.

For Human Resources inquiries, you can email the Department of Human Resources at or call the Human Resources main number: (718) 270-1191. If you need to drop off physical documents to Human Resources, you may do so during our normal business hours: 8am-5pm.  

Thank you.

Research Study for Psoriasis

TC Research Study

View PDF

Laser, Aesthetic, and Body Institute at Downstate Health

Downstate Health Laser Insititute

Upcoming Events


WellNYS Daily To-Do and Frontline Newsletter for December 2024

Frontline December

EAP Frontline Newsletter: Please take a moment to read the December 2024 EAP Frontline Newsletter.  This month's edition offers a variety of insightful reads, "Facing Loss During the Holidays", "Manage Stress with the 24-houe Rule".  Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and nurture your personal growth. 

Read the Newsletter

WellNYS Daily To-Do for December:  WellNYS Daily to Do's is a wellness initiative dedicated to educating, engaging, and empowering New York State employees to choose healthy foods and stay physically active. Learn how to "Be kind with a Random Act of Gratitude" and join me on Wednesday, December 11th at 12:00 noon.

Register for Wellness Webinar 

OMH Wellness Group: The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) offers state employees the opportunity to practice various coping skills and strengthen their resilience through OMH Wellness Groups. These groups align with our vision of supporting a healthy workplace environment. Sessions include deep breathing and simulation exercises, allowing employees to practice relaxation techniques and basic coping skills rather than engage in group discussions. The sessions are free, confidential, anonymous, and held virtually. If you have a moment at noon, please join us. For more information on how to register and/or sign on see below:

How to Register

Budgeting for the Holidays: By Linda Carignan-Everts, NYS EAP Wellness Coordinator and Financial Coach.

The webinar focused on how to save and budget for the upcoming holiday season. During this webinar, Linda shares 20 practical tips for saving and responsible ways to spend without going into debt. Let’s prepare for a financially savvy holiday season together.

Link to the Recording 

Holiday Blues:  The holiday blues are feelings of sadness, stress, or anxiety that can arise during the holiday season, often due to financial pressures, family dynamics, or the weight of expectations.  These feelings are common and can affect anyone, especially during a time that often highlights personal losses or loneliness.  To manage the holiday blues, try setting realistic expectations, maintaining a healthy routine, and reaching out to loved ones for support.  Remember, you’re not alone—our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to provide confidential support, guidance, and resources to help you navigate these challenges and find balance during the holidays.

Holiday Blues

Share a Random Act of Gratitude

Goals for the New Year: As we embrace the start of a new year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our personal aspirations and set meaningful goals for growth and fulfillment.  Whether it’s advancing your skills, prioritizing wellness, strengthening relationships, or exploring new passions, let this year be one where you invest in yourself and your dreams.  Remember, every small step forward is progress, and each goal achieved brings you closer to becoming the best version of yourself. Let’s make this year one of self-discovery and personal triumphs! 

Goals for New Year

Let's take advantage of these resources to enhance our well-being and create

EAP Coat Drive

November 18 - December 13, 2024
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

EAP Coat Drive

2024 Fall Meeting of the Assembly

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Zoom Only

Fall Meeting Meeting of the Assembly

Join Via Zoom

Share a Random Act of Gratitude

Wednesday, December 11, 2024
12:00 noon – 12:30 PM

Gratitude Webinar

The December WellNYS Everyday Monthly Challenge is to be kind with a random act of gratitude. Join us as we share 10 ways of showing kindness to others that are free or inexpensive. Participants are encouraged to share a creative act of gratitude in the chat box.

Presented By: 

Linda Carignan-Everts, Statewide Wellness Coordinator

QR CodeRegister for this Webinar

SOHP Dean's Lecture Series - 5th Edition for Academic Year 2024-2025: "Disability 101 FOR Healthcare Providers" 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
5:00 PM

Deans Lecture Series

Register for the Event


Save the Date!  SUNY Downstate Disability Awareness Conference

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Disability Awareness

Disability is a concept often misunderstood by both the general public and healthcare providers, leading to gaps in care for individuals with disabilities. In the United States, nearly 1 in 3 people live with a disability, according to recent CDC data. This conference aims to explore contemporary perspectives on disability, promoting better understanding and service delivery.

Key Topics & Speakers:

Opening Remarks
Dr. Wayne Riley, SUNY Downstate President or His Designee

Definition and Models of Disability
Dr. Allen Lewis, SOHP Dean

Attitudes: Reframing Perspectives in Service Delivery
Dr. Brigitte Desport, SOHP Associate Dean

Interventions to Improve Individual Functioning with Disability: Restoration vs. Adaptation
Dr. Allen Lewis, SOHP Dean

What is Happening at Downstate Related to Disability
Physical Therapy - Dr. Puneet Dhaliwal, Assistant Professor
Occupational Therapy – Dr. Vikram Pagpatan, Assistant Professor and Admissions Coordinator
Applied Behavior Analysis – Dr. Jason Vladescu, Chair of ABA program
Physiatry (Representative is TBD)
Department of Psychiatry - Dr. Jeromy Copland
Leadership Education Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) grant/COM/Pediatrics – Dr. Harris Huberman
Human Resources – Zachery Durkin, MSM, Assistant Director of Employee and Labor Relations
Office of Student Affairs – Patricia Napolitano, MS Ed, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Moderator: Dr. Efekona Nuwere, Chair of SOHP Occupational Therapy Program

Contemporary Perspectives on Disability
Dr. John O'Neill, Director, Kessler Foundation
Dr. Suzanne Bruyere, Academic Director, Yang-Tan Institute, Cornell University
Self-Advocate - Mabel Martinez-Almonte, OTR/L, MA, MHC, NCC, CFPS
Family Perspective - Dr. Shushawna DeOliveira, SOHP Associate Dean
Moderator: Dr. Allen Lewis, SOHP Dean

Next Steps and Closing Remarks
Dr. Allen Lewis, SOHP Dean

Full agenda to follow | Refreshments provided

Sponsored by the Office of Marketing and Communications & the School of Health Professions

Check back for regular updates to this page!

* New information highlighted in yellow *