Dermatology Clinical Trials - Alan R. Shalita Clinical Research Unit
We are recruiting patients for our active clinical trials. If you are interested in participating or obtaining more information, please contact our Dermatology Research Department at (718) 270-1229.
Currently Enrolling
NEW! Incyte Study (Topical Ruxolitinib): Adults with Mild, Moderate, or Severe Atopic Dermatitis Causing Itch and Sleep Disturbance (SUNY – Dr. Jakus)
Ruxolitinib Cream, ages 18+, mild, moderate, or severe eczema and ≥3% BSA involvement, with at least moderate itch leading to sleep disruption; 8 weeks of active treatment
NEW! Regeneron Study (Injectable Dupilumab): Adult and Adolescent Atopic Dermatitis with Skin of Color (SUNY – Dr. Jakus)
Injectable Dupilumab for moderate-severe eczema affecting at least 10% BSA in subjects with Fitzpatrick skin types IV-VI; 24 weeks of active treatment
NEW! Galderma Study (Injectable Nemolizumab): Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis (SUNY – Dr. Jakus)
Nemolizumab (anti IL-31), ages 2-6, moderate-severe eczema; 16 weeks of initial treatment with 36-week extension
NEW! Pfizer Study (Oral Ritlecitinib): Adults with Vitiligo Affecting Face and Body (SUNY – Dr. Jakus)
Oral JAK-inhibitor Ritlecitinib for non-segmental vitiligo affecting at least 4% BSA with at least 0.5% facial BSA; 52 weeks of treatment; study is placebo-controlled
Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Health (SUNY- Dr. Jakus)
Psoriasis of any severity in adults ages 40-75 years who are not currently taking a cholesterol-lowering medication and have no known cardiovascular disease; this trial assesses cardiovascular risk in psoriasis – it is not a therapeutic study
Anticipating Enrollment Soon
Oral Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor In Mild-Moderate Pediatric Psoriasis (SUNY – Dr. Jakus)
Oral PDE4 inhibitor for pediatric patients with mild-moderate psoriasis; ages 6-17 yo, 32 weeks of active treatment
HS and Laser Hair Removal
Adjunct treatment for hidradenitis suppurativa with hair removal laser
Contact Information
For Patients:
We make our best effort to keep this page current, however the study list may not be comprehensive as our studies change all the time. For more information, please feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. When emailing, please indicate the study title in the subject line: (ie. "PSORIASIS", "ACNE"). See below for our contact information.
For Physicians:
Information on all interested patients should be forwarded to our fellows as soon as possible. Patients should also be given the information below to contact our offices directly.
Jeannette Jakus, MD, MBA
Director of Clinical Trials & Research
Corinna Psomadakis, MD
(Dr. Jakus's studies) Dermatology Research Fellow - Clinical Trials
Beatrice Wojuola
Clinical Research Coordinator
Phone: (718) 270-1229