
Sponsored Programs Administration - Forms


Required for every grant and contract submission

Proposal Tracking Data Sheet and Signature Worksheet

Cost Share Template  (if applicable)

Submission Budget-2024 (Excel)


If there will be sub-recipients:

Subcontract Proposal Face Page

Sub-recipient vs. Contractor Decision Tree

Sub-recipient FCOI Certification

Sub-recipient FCOI Follow-Up  (if applicable)

Sub-recipient FCOI Exception Request   (if applicable)


At the time of J-I-T or award

Sub-recipient Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Annual Subrecipient Questionnaire for Renewal and Amendments


If sub-recipients cost are greater than 49% of total budget

Pre-Award Assessment of Proposed Sub-awards


If there will be external consultants

Consultant FCOI Request


Foreign Travel on an extramurally funded award

Foreign Travel Disclosure Form


Grant Management During the Life-cycle

OTPS Cost Transfer Form

Salary and Wage Cost Transfer Form

IFR/CS Assignment (Appointment)/Change Form


Request to Establish an "At-Risk" Account

Request to Establish a Multiple-Sponsor Research/Gift Account