
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The use of animals in research is a privilege. This privilege is granted to those investigators and programs that commit to meeting the highest ethical and regulatory standards.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The use of animals in research is a privilege. This privilege is granted to those investigators and programs that commit to meeting the highest ethical and regulatory standards. Investigators conducting research with animal subjects have an ethical and legal responsibility (PDF) to ensure they are treated humanely. The system of animal research oversight in the United States consists of a framework of federal, state, local, and institutional requirements.

The SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University animal care and use program has been accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC, International) since 1966. Both Federal and State animal welfare laws, regulations, policies and guidelines, place great emphasis on the importance of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in self-regulation and accountability of research programs. The most crucial responsibility of an IACUC is to ensure that all procedures in all research projects are designed to minimize pain and/or distress to animals. The Federal and State mandated research review process by the IACUC is to assure humane treatment and compliance with internationally accepted and government mandated animal welfare standards. IACUC conducts its review by asking very specific questions pertaining to animal welfare which are in turn integrated into the research itself. IACUC provides Scientists with standardized forms to facilitate this process. These forms are regularly updated to reflect new policies and requirements of the animal welfare regulatory agencies. 

Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

SUNY Downstate is strongly committed to the humane care and use of animals in research, testing and teaching. If you have an animal welfare concern or a concern about an issue involving SUNY Downstate's Animal Care and Use programs and/or facilities, you are required to promptly report it. You may report concerns directly to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), the IACUC Chair, or the Director of the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) either in person, by phone or by email. You may report concerns anonymously to the SUNY Compliance Line ((877) 349-SUNY, (877) 349-7869) or via web-based reporting: Compliance Help Line or through the Speak Up RF - Ethics Hotline online at or by calling (800) 461-9330 or via text message to (518) 351-6827.

SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University maintains strict confidentiality regarding the source of concerns and prohibits discrimination and reprisal for reporting good faith concerns.

Send us an email to request for training on how to use "RPM", our electronic protocol and animal census management tool.